Monday, October 7, 2019

The Library of Lost Things by Laura Taylor Namey

Darcy Wells is a reader, word collector, and loves literature.  Her mother is a hoarder.  Darcy thinks it stems from Darcy's dad leaving before she was born.  She has never known him, nor has he ever contacted her until now.  She doesn't know if she wants to know him or not.  Her mother has been hoarding so much that there are "goat trails" throughout their apartment, but Darcy's room is the only space not invaded by the mountains of stuff.  Darcy's grandmother has been giving her money to help pay for food, bills, etc., but says when Darcy turns 18 she either has to move in with her or if she stays with her mom she will no longer send her money.  On top of all of this she meets a boy who she likes, but has a girlfriend, and she keeps the information about her dad from her best friend and that causes a problem.  As you can tell there is a lot going on in Darcy's life.  I loved this book.  I feel it might be better suited for 8th and up because of some language.  It also reminded me a little of this BOOK because of the selling things to help make money for family.  

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