Monday, September 23, 2019

Dear Sweet Pea by Julie Murphy

Enter Sweet Pea (AKA Patricia) who is in 7th grade and whose best friend is Oscar. Sweet Pea's parents have divorced and strangely enough have decided that having 2 identical houses on the same street only one house apart will make the transition that much smoother for her.... She also is struggling with fitting in and her "old" best friend Kiera is shutting her out and doesn't invite her to her birthday. 

When her neighbor Miss Flora Mae has to go on a trip to visit her sister, she asks Sweet Pea to pick up her mail and send it to her. Miss Flora Mae has an advice column in the local paper. What happens next is of course Sweet Pea reads a letter and decides to answer it. The letter turns out to be from Kiera and Sweet Pea has started something that may get her into more trouble. She also starts to build a friendship back with Kiera and Oscar feels left out which leads to him shunning Sweet Pea. 

We find out that her parents divorced because her dad is gay and it is hinted that Oscar is gay. 

Overall a GREAT middle book.

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