Saturday, May 4, 2019

Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly

Cinderella.  We all know the story, but this isn't her story. It is Isabelle's story.  She is Ella's stepsister, but this is not the story you know.  The story starts with Ocatvia (Tavi) cutting off her heel to fit into the glass slipper and then Isabelle cutting off her toes to fit into the slipper, but we all know how that turned out.  Ella is the prince's bride and the stepsisters and stepmother are left behind.  The town begins to call them the ugly stepsister's and shun and torture them.  The Fate's and Chance become involved and try to direct Isabelle's path, but so does Tanaquill, a Fairy Queen.  Isabelle asks to be pretty. Tanaquill says she must find the missing pieces of her heart, 3 of them to be exact and gives her 3 items as well:  a seedpod, a walnut shell, and a jawbone.  Isabelle is frustrated by the seemingly useless items, but they turn into magical items later when she needs them.  She thinks she needs to be kind and good and those are her missing pieces, but she is mistaken.  She begins a journey to find her hurts and make them right and only then will she be able to heal her heart and find her true self in the process.

8th grade and up due to some violence.  No language or sex.

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