Saturday, January 12, 2019

Me, Frida, and the Secret of the Peacock Ring by Angela Cervantes

Paloma and her mom are headed to Mexico City for 4 weeks.  Her mom is working on writing a paper with the college there.  Her dad died when she was 3 years old in an accident and he was from Mexico.  Once there Paloma meets Tavo, whose family is funding her mom's trip to Mexico, and Gael and Lizzie, twins who recruit her to help them solve a mystery.  As Paloma decides to help with the mystery, because that is what her literary hero Lulu Pennywhistle would do.  Gael, Lizzie, and Paloma begin to find trouble as they try to find Frida Kahlo's missing peacock ring.  Who can Paloma trust and who really took the ring?

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