Sunday, June 10, 2018

Tight by Torrey Maldonado

Available September 4, 2018

This book was TIGHT!  Bryan is a 6th grade student who is pretty much a quiet, good kid.  He loves quietness and chillness.  His sister, Ava, is in 9th grade and thinks he is soft.  Bryan's mom brings a new kid Mike around for dinner and so it begins... at first Bryan thinks Mike is cool.  They share a love of comic books and drawing.  Then things take a turn.  Mike gets Bryan to skip school, jump turnstiles and hop on subways without paying, throw rocks off of roofs, etc.  Bryan knows these things are wrong, but his dad (who has been in and out of jail) tells him he needs to be hard.  He is confused about what to do until he gets caught by his parents for skipping school.  Bryan starts to befriend Big Will and Mike doesn't seem to like that.  He starts to cause trouble for Bryan until it finally comes to a head that could start even more problems for Bryan and Mike.  I love the fact that the author uses language like a kid would use and I will admit I was a little confused on the OD and SOS...:) This book is amazing and I can't wait to share it with my students.

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