Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Stone Child by Dan Poblocki

Eddie is moving to a new town with his parents.  The move starts off a little strange as they miss hitting a weird creature in the road and wreck their car.  Eddie finds out that the town they are moving to is the home to his FAVORITE author!  How lucky is that!  However, the author has been missing for 13 years.  Eddie's mom finds a book that she thinks is his, but it is a new book by Olmstead (the author) and written in code.  Eddie meets another boy who loves the author as well and the two of them begin re-reading his books to see if there are clues around town to explain his disappearance and trying to decipher the code.  As they continue trying to find clues, they realize that Olmstead's stories seem to be TRUE!  The creatures and monsters seem to have come to life!  Will they be able to find out the truth?  Will they even survive?

 Image result for the stone child

Poblocki, D. (2010). The stone child. New York: Scholastic.