Monday, August 7, 2017


Jensen wants to be a NASA astronaut, but is not good at math.  He is part of the Art Club, but is having a hard time getting along with friends, finding a partner (he always gets picked last) and realizing that he is being bullied.  Jenny and Akilah are on the school newspaper staff and are doing a social experiment and help Jensen realize that he is bullied and how to be brave.  Jensen is still too scared to stand up for himself so he finds other ways of "protecting" himself.  Will he ever be able to be Brave and stand up to the bullies?

Chmakova, Svetlana. BRAVE. New York: Yen Press, 2017. Print.

Friday, August 4, 2017



Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova is about a girl Penelope, Peppi to her friends.  She is starting school at a new middle school and is trying to stay under the radar of the "mean kids" and find her group to belong to, which happens to be the art club.  She trips and spills her books and a boy, Jamie, come to help her pick them up.  The other students start to tease her that she is the nerds girlfriend, so she pushes him away, but feels really bad about it.  Jamie is in Science Club and the Art Club is their rival.  As the book progresses, Peppi and Jamie get put together in a tutoring situation and the Art Club and Science Club have to fight to see who gets a spot at the club fair.  Things begin to really heat up.  Can Jamie and Peppi get along?  Who will get the spot at the fair??

Chmakova, Svetlana. Awkward. New York: Yen Press, 2015. Print.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Stone Child by Dan Poblocki

Eddie is moving to a new town with his parents.  The move starts off a little strange as they miss hitting a weird creature in the road and wreck their car.  Eddie finds out that the town they are moving to is the home to his FAVORITE author!  How lucky is that!  However, the author has been missing for 13 years.  Eddie's mom finds a book that she thinks is his, but it is a new book by Olmstead (the author) and written in code.  Eddie meets another boy who loves the author as well and the two of them begin re-reading his books to see if there are clues around town to explain his disappearance and trying to decipher the code.  As they continue trying to find clues, they realize that Olmstead's stories seem to be TRUE!  The creatures and monsters seem to have come to life!  Will they be able to find out the truth?  Will they even survive?

 Image result for the stone child

Poblocki, D. (2010). The stone child. New York: Scholastic.

Friday, April 7, 2017

New Lockwood and Company!

After leaving Lockwood & Co. at the end of The Hollow Boy, Lucy is a freelance operative, hiring herself out to agencies that value her ever-improving skills. One day she is pleasantly surprised by a visit from Lockwood, who tells her he needs a good Listener for a tough assignment. Penelope Fittes, the leader of the giant Fittes Agency wants them--and only them--to locate and remove the Source for the legendary Brixton Cannibal. They succeed in their very dangerous task, but tensions remain high between Lucy and the other agents. Even the skull in the jar talks to her like a jilted lover. What will it take to reunite the team? Black marketeers, an informant ghost, a Spirit Cape that transports the wearer, and mysteries involving Steve Rotwell and Penelope Fittes just may do the trick. But, in a shocking cliffhanger ending, the team learns that someone has been manipulating them all along. . . .

Stroud, J. (2017). Lockwood and Company: The Creeping Shadow. S.l.: DISNEY PR.

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Girl Who Drank the Moon

Every year, the people of the Protectorate leave a baby as an offering to the witch who lives in the forest. They hope this sacrifice will keep her from terrorizing their town. But the witch in the Forest, Xan, is kind. She shares her home with a wise Swamp Monster and a Perfectly Tiny Dragon. Xan rescues the children and delivers them to welcoming families on the other side of the forest, nourishing the babies with starlight on the journey.

One year, Xan accidentally feeds a baby moonlight instead of starlight, filling the ordinary child with extraordinary magic. Xan decides she must raise this girl, whom she calls Luna, as her own. As Luna's thirteenth birthday approaches, her magic begins to emerge--with dangerous consequences. Meanwhile, a young man from the Protectorate is determined to free his people by killing the witch. Deadly birds with uncertain intentions flock nearby. A volcano, quiet for centuries, rumbles just beneath the earth's surface. And the woman with the Tiger's heart is on the prowl . . .

Barnhill, K. R. (2016). The girl who drank the moon. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Young Readers.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

New Ranger's Apprentice - The Early Years

When the former Baron Morgarath escaped to avoid punishment for treason, an uneasy peace fell on Araluen. But Morgarath, now in hiding, is already planning his next move, recruiting an army of savage, overpowering beasts known as Wargals. Newly crowned King Duncan knows he must assemble his troops for battle.

To find out the full extent of Morgarath's plan of attack, Halt prepares for a seemingly impossible task--climbing the deadly cliffs of the Mountains of Rain and Night and venturing deep into enemy territory to spy. After all, the winner of this war could be determined by one wrong move.

At the Battle of Hackham Heath, the fate of a Kingdom will be decided.

Flanagan, J. (2016). The battle of Hackham Heath. North Sydney, NSW: Penguin Random House Australia.

Friday, March 24, 2017

New Series - Book 1 The Reader

Sefia lives her life on the run. After her father is viciously murdered, she flees to the forest with her aunt Nin, the only person left she can trust. They survive in the wilderness together, hunting and stealing what they need, forever looking over their shoulders for new threats. But when Nin is kidnapped, Sefia is suddenly on her own, with no way to know who’s taken Nin or where she is. Her only clue is a strange rectangular object that once belonged to her father left behind, something she comes to realize is a book.

Though reading is unheard of in Sefia’s world, she slowly learns, unearthing the book’s closely guarded secrets, which may be the key to Nin’s disappearance and discovering what really happened the day her father was killed. With no time to lose, and the unexpected help of swashbuckling pirates and an enigmatic stranger, Sefia sets out on a dangerous journey to rescue her aunt, using the book as her guide. In the end, she discovers what the book had been trying to tell her all along: Nothing is as it seems, and the end of her story is only the beginning.

Chee, T. (2016). The Reader (Sea of Ink and Gold). Putnam and Sons.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

New BOOK...Thunder Boy Jr.

Thunder Boy Jr. is named after his dad, but he wants a name that's all his own. Just because people call his dad Big Thunder doesn't mean he wants to be Little Thunder. He wants a name that celebrates something cool he's done, like Touch the Clouds, Not Afraid of Ten Thousand Teeth, or Full of Wonder.

But just when Thunder Boy Jr. thinks all hope is lost, he and his dad pick the perfect name...a name that is sure to light up the sky.

Alexie, S. (2016). Thunder Boy Jr. Little Brown Books.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Asylum Series - NEW

Come into the library and check out this new series!!

This series is a spooky tale of a teenager, Dan, who goes to a college for the summer to attend a camp for gifted students.  While there he meets other students and together they begin exploring an old asylum on campus.  As the summer progresses the three learn about a terrible past and how they are all somehow entangled in the story.  At the end of the first book, Asylum, the three plan to go on with their life, but in the second book, Sanctum, they head back as "perspective" students on a college weekend where they encounter the same Carnival that has not been at the school in years.   They begin exploring the town with abandoned houses and creepy people and learn that the asylum has played a part in the town as well.  In the third book, Catacomb, the three have finished their senior year and are taking a trip to visit an uncle in New Orleans, but as they travel there strange messages and occurrences begin to happen and Dan finds out he is tied to an old organization called the Bone Artists.  They begin to wonder if they will make it out of this whole ordeal alive...

Asylum Book Trailer

Roux, M. (2014). Asylum. New York, NY: Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins.
Roux, M. (2015). Sanctum. New York, NY: Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins.
Roux, M. (2016). Catacomb. New York, NY: Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins.